Super Saturday

I hope all of my readers are enjoying their weekend!

Great news, I now have 15 followers…I’ll brag about it!!!  Thank you, I love you all!

I’ve been having a great week!  I’ve worked out 3 times, each time beating my previous workout!  For the first time in a VERY long time I did 30 minutes on the elliptical!! My Love is having his 1st week back too.  He has gotten in 4 days!

I’ve been networking my butt off!!  Building my and My Love’s empire!!!  Lots of ladies events and coffee dates.  Barnes and Noble is my new “office”.  We’ve been somewhat good with our eating and drinking.  Anyone have any good skinny drink recipes?  Our diet is better during the work week.  It’s easier to eat good if it’s all packed up for you.  I’m going to get it together and plan more meals for more of the week.  Therefore we’ll have to eat the clean meals!  I need to start eating a true breakfast.  I was loving oatmeal and berries for a while…or a protein smoothie.  What do you have for breakfast?  

There’s no date day today, but I’m certainly looking forward to it next Saturday.  Hell, I’m looking forward to Wednesday.  My Love will have his off from the casino days, and those are my favorite days!

So, we’re doing the business, and the fitness and the working out….We are Winning the Day!!

Is anyone planning summer travel?  


Monday’s edition of Winning the Day :)

Day 2 back at it!  We ate clean, worked out and had a pretty decent day.  Not bad for it only being Monday.  I was suppose to hit up yoga again, but for some odd reason there wasn’t any.  BUMMER I wanted to do some downward dog 🙂

Tonight I’m hitting the hay a bit early to do some reading.  I’m reading How to Win Friend and  Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  The company I work with is amazing at promoting personal growth every step of the journey.  Maybe my business can’t be what I want it to be until I’m a better person for it.  In that case I’d better go get reading.  

ImageI just wanted to see if I could put a picture in….I DID IT!  

I made a chicken stir fry for dinners tonight: My Love is at his FT job so he takes his to go and mine goes in the fridge until I feel like eating it.  We had it over brow rice and it was quite delicious.  It was chicken, red and green peppers, bok choy, onions and carrots.  It came out really well.  We saw a recipe from The Uncivilized Cave Man: It’s Jalapeño dijon Chicken…are you kidding me??? That’s going to be insanely good!!!  Hopefully we’ll get to make it this week!!  I’ll let you all know for sure!

Well on another front, the Bruins won again tonight!!!  2 wins away from the Stanley Cup!!!  I’m so excited!!  


So…my chatter box, unbalanced self goes to my first yoga class

I was nervous for sure.  I didn’t think I was yoga material.  I was envisioning awful outcomes, hoping they would not become my one hour of reality.  I am a self proclaimed Sweaty Betty and hot yoga is a bad idea.  Luckily the heat wasn’t quite up to par so it was “only” 85 in there.  I was sweating just from being in there.  I was the oldest person in the class.  The yoga instructor was super sweet, very welcoming, and lead a great class (well in my opinion anyway).  The class was filled with 20, early 20 somethings who were all in perfect condition and ultra flexible.  Well let’s just say, I’m not. It was fun, and I shall return next Monday as well.

On other fronts, I seem to have a new, small obsession with the Powell Pack.  Chris and Heidi Powell are so successful, positive, smart and happy.  They’re partners in business as well as life.  They’re also experts on nutrition and fitness.  Now the latter part of that is where I have the trouble.  That’s why I headed to Barnes & Noble with 7  minutes until close.  I HAD to get his new book Choose More, Lose More for Life.  I read it until I fell asleep last night.   I’m about to crack it open again tonight.   

Today is My Love’s Friday!  He’ll get home in the morning at 5:30 and is off for 4 days!  We are excited because we get to watch the Bruins get closer to the Stanley Cup!

We’ve been juicing just under a week now.  There’s no question that green juices are awesome.  They’re a nutritional power house and they’re delicious.  That being said, there’s a small part of me that says they’re a pain in the ass.  Just being honest.  I’m hungry every 2 hours.  It’s all super clean calories and awesome juice for us.  I’m going to do it regardless, but it’s not a take and go kind of drink.  My Love’s had to take them to work this week and they just don’t look good after a half hour.  The whole point is to get super fresh fruit and veggies.  The next 4 days will be super fresh juice for both of us.

Do you juice?  Do you like hockey? Do you have a blog?

Juicing a jalapeno can be hazardous to your health

I’m not kidding…you need a mask and to hold your breath.  We learned that the hard way 🙂  OH and the juices after the jalapeno ones…still spicy…learned that one the hard way too.

Live and learn right?  We’ve been juicing for a few days now and it’s getting a little easier now that we’re in it.  At first it’s overwhelming, there’s so many choices and you want what’s best for the body and brain.  That may not taste so great.  Luckily we’re liking all of the juices so far and they’re not so much of a pain as I initially feared it would be.  Now that we’re more in the flow, it’s all good!  Yummy juices, healthy bodies and brains!  20oz mason jars and a Jack LaLane…Sprouts has been my 2nd home (produce market) this week.  They love me 🙂

I went for my evening walk around my gorgeous mountain neighborhood to cap off my night. My Love is at his casino job overnight so I’m alone with my green juice, the TV and a MacBookPro 🙂 

I’m hoping to keep my head in the game with healthy eating, juicing and fitness.  Do any of you have go to motivation boosters?  I’d love to hear them!! 🙂  I look at my fitness inspiration board on Pinterest.  Also I try talking to My Love and he’s usually a good influence 😉

Winning the Day on Date Day

So we’re currently watching Iron Man 2, I’m clearly not paying attention but I had to get in a post. Today was Date Day. The no work day (blogging doesn’t count, it’s fun). We had such a perfect day except that My Love is sick. He, as usual, is a Rockstar about it.
Since we can’t walk the beach we hit up a lake down the street from us. The weather was phenomenal!!!!! So sunny, warm but not hot, cool but certainly not cold. Perfect!!!
We walked the entire lake, just shy of 1.5 miles. I’m pretty sure I’ve found my daily walking spot 🙂
Naturally after a walk we needed to refuel with Frozen yogurt 😉
Such an amazing day. I’m feeling so very blessed. The universe is shining down on me! THANK YOU!!!