Day 1 of Winning the Day!

I’m sorry I’ve left all 20 of you hanging for a couple of weeks.  I was a slacker and a vacationer but I’m back and I’m sticking around!  

My Love and I have joined forces and are going to use our awesome-ness for good!  When we’re good we’re really good but when we’re bad we’re really bad.  We had let ourselves go with poor eating choices and missing workouts more than actually doing workouts.  So, that being said we have taken action!

Today was day 1 of our new awesome selves: We started on a 10 day Advocare Herbal Cleanse.  Also we worked out and I stocked us up on veggies and fruits and clean proteins.  We have all of the ingredients for our favorite juice to incorporate into our clean eating 🙂 (I just realized that this is, in fact, a lie.  I forgot the apples)  We have a LOT of work to do, but I’m confident that together we can keep ourselves on track and accountable.

In other news there is just under 19 weeks until My Love gives his notice…well that’s what we’re hoping!  Head down and stay focused, in ALL aspects!  I’m going to have to do some serious serious growing and prospecting with our vacation club to get some cash coming in.  Challenge accepted!!  If I’m not part of the solution, I’m part of the problem…’s as simple as that.  Time to step up and grow the business!!  It’s going to be a challenging road but I’m up to it.  Hopefully my poor health will be in the background and stay there.  I’ll be too busy kicking ass anyway 🙂

On Tuesday I got back from my trip to New England.  I saw lots of family and friends.  It made me thankful for air travel.  I get to live in paradise here in CO and still go and be with my peeps! Win on both fronts.  I love my family and I love Facebook, it’s the best of both worlds…EXCEPT for the super good, close people.  Those can’t be satisfied without some air travel.  I took some pictures of the garden goodness that’s at my parents house.  Too bad they weren’t quite ready for me to enjoy 😦  I’m going to try to add them, not quite sure about the process though.  

Have a great night or morning!!  We will chat soon!


Motivation, Inspiration, Focused action, and a name

Good evening and Happy 4th!! Well I’m a bit late but it’s still a holiday weekend, so it counts. I’m writing tonight to give myself some credit for kicking a migraine that lead to a bipolar switch. It took me off track a little but nothing that I can’t handle with the strength and support from My Love.

Now that I’m back on track, we’re focused on eating well, working out, staying madly in love and climbing corporate ladders.

Next we’re diving into fund raising for our local HDSA chapter! I did some work with the MA HDSA chapter but I’ve been in CO for the past couple of years and now I’m settled and ready to jump in! Huntington’s Disease is a disease that my family takes very seriously. We have loved ones fighting a daily battle and we want to do any and every thing possible to get donations for research. It’s getting closer and I want to see and end to it completely!!

I’m so excited, focused and motivated. I think I may even come out from behind the anonymous blogger curtain. Own it all right? I’m just so inspired. I just read a Heidi Powell blog post and it just made me take a step back and see if I’m being authentic, if I’m being true to myself, if I’m being me, the real me. Am I? Nope, I’m not. I write a blog from my heart and from my imperfections. I lay it all out, yes…..BUT I don’t sign my name on the line. I hide because I’m imperfect, because I have issues, because I’m flawed. BUT now I’m saying it’s all true and it’s all me….Chrissi Penney <
