A lesson in balance

I’m trying to get my week in order….I was supposed to be at the gym at 12:15 but it’s 12:41 and I’m all snugged up with Bailey under the covers on the couch. I feel like ass kinda. I’m tired, really tired. How do I tell what is needed rest and what is a must do? I have to work at 5 and time’s a ticking for me to have a productive day before work. I’m thinking I may just take it easy before work but we need to eat…..super clean and low points would be ideal. That means I’ll head to the grocery store and grab some deli. 😁 Sandwiches probably, how exciting. I’m feeling like I’m unprepared for my day. I hate that. 

I’m almost off of one of my long standing meds that I take a high dosage of. So I’m a little extra restless from that I’d imagine. Today is no rainbows and champagne Chrissi. Today is just rolling with it. Whoop whoop 😳

I’m just like everyone else in that I’m my own worst enemy but I’m old enough to realize that sometimes it’s just fine to be blah blah blah. Just don’t be an a$$hole to anyone while blah. 😆 All is well. Today is my day off so I have ALL day to try and be productive. That sounds like a doable mission. 

To all of my peeps: Have a great week!! Here’s a few pics from my week! Pasta fagioli, my birthday dinner, and my WW 10% loss pic ☺

It’s the weekend again!!

So I’m totally spoiled in many many ways. One is that I have a bad ass little side job that I love AND I get weekends off!!

I’m really enjoying my job and my schedule and I’m trying to take the next step to reintroduce some time moving for some sort of exercise.  I’ve been way too pooped with the job to even do anything besides work.  Even a walk will be good.  That is my plan, going for some walks.  

I’ve been really bad eating on this birthday week of mine!  I LOVE my birthday like a 5 year old.  I always have loved it since I was little.  My Mom always made a big deal of birthdays so I do too.  That being said, we celebrated for a week, good and hard.  Do I regret it?  Hell no!!  Will I do it again? Maybe not as much or all in the same week.  I do believe in giving in to a craving? Yes but not too much of it.  

I did something today that I have mixed emotions about.  I see my Mom having great results with losing weight with Weight Watchers so why not me? I am having a ton of trouble with my weight and its magnified by all of the myriad of medications I’m on.  Since I got diagnosed bipolar 5 or 6 years ago I’m up 50 pounds…..I know I need to fix it and I’m admitting that I can’t do it alone.  So I’m now a weight watching ass kicker.  I’m down to 2 pairs of pants that fit and I’m bullshit.  

Sooooo that being said its Friday!!  I’ll be making a list of healthy foods to make some great healthy meals for the weekend.  I have my books, pamphlets and my WW app…..BRING IT ON!!! 

These are some of the super fun moments from Birthday Week with My Love!  He sure does love me!! XOXO

Chrissi 🙂 🙂 ❤